The Project Website: no
Research Area: Linguistics, Uzbek Literature, Turkic Studies
Timing: 2020-2022
Location: Uzbekistan and Hungary
As part of the Erasmus International + Credit Mobility Program ‘The Translation of Alisher Navo’i’s Works Into World Languages and Teaching it in Foreign Countries’ in 2020-2022 TSUULL University have partnered with a Hungarian top-ranked research Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in order to spread the works of the outstanding poet Alisher Navo’i as well as other Central Asian widely-known writers’ works all over the world through the translation of their novels. By the way, useful practices will be shared between Universities in the light of Turkic studies, calligraphy, manuscripts and Uzbek literature.
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is the oldest continuously operating university in Hungary with more than 370 year old traditions. It serves the interests of research and first-rate higher education rooted in European tradition.
ELTE is ranked 500th among the higher education institutions, 250th according to Leiden Ranking in 2015. There are 8 faculties, 38 Bachelor’s programs, 96 Master’s programs and 60 Degree Programs in foreign languages.
Photo by ELTE
– to establish cooperation by the academic exchange support between the scholars specialising in Turkic Literature in both countries Hungary and Uzbekistan;
– to study materials and manuscripts related to Uzbek Literature;
– to investigate current problems of Uzbek Language and Literature teaching overseas and working out solutions to them;
– academic exchange will cover short-term trips of six Professor staff from Partner Universities (TSUULL consists of 3/ELTE consists of 3). There is also a chance for TSUULL PhD Students who specialise in Uzbek Literature and Turkic Studies to travel to Partner University for three months to fulfil their research. By the end of the Program, the international conference is planned to be held based on the results of academic mobility.
The Universities representatives discussed the focus points of the Program in Tashkent. Photos by TSUULL
Based on the above mentioned goals, the following activities were completed within the framework of the project:
1. In cooperation with Pere Benedek, Eötvös Loránd University Professor and Program representative in Hungary, negotiations were held regarding the creation of the unique anthology of Alisher Navoi's works.
Alisher Navoi, the prominent Central Asian poet and statesman. Photo:
2. The Inter-Institutional Agreement between the TSUULL and ELTE Universities was signed. The participants from both sides – Juliana Szoke and Benedek Pere from ELTE, and the TSUULL team with Zulkhumor Mirzayeva the Project leader, Nozliya Normurodova the international expert of the University’s Erasmus+ Program, Aftondil Erkinov the Project member – discussed Program’s agenda and context.
3. The list of main and volunteer participants of the project were formed and the preparations are currently being made for the process of forming the documents of students and employees who are scheduled to travel to the partner university for academic exchange purposes.