The faculty was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 13, 2016 No PD-4797 "On the establishment of the Alisher Navo’i Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature". Translation Theory and Practice Faculty prepares highly qualified specialists for translating scientific, literary and other authentic sources from Uzbek into English and other foreign languages, as well as from world languages into our native language. The faculty also trains simultaneous, visual, consecutive translators at international conferences and forums. The faculty conducts research on the development of translation programs and dictionaries, scientific and methodological developments related to the creation of electronic textbooks, practical recommendations based on the Uzbek language and the world's leading foreign languages, and the widespread application of the results in practice. The Decree on the establishment of the university defines the tasks of the faculty not only to raise the prestige of the Uzbek language in the international arena, but also to translate our rich literary heritage into various languages of the world.
There are 4 departments at the faculty:
- Foreign Languages Department
- English Department
- Intercultural Communication and Tourism Department
- Translation Theory and Practice Department
The teaching staff of the faculty consists of 67 teachers, including 3 Doctors of Science, 9 PhDs, 12 senior lecturers, and 46 teachers.
The faculty cooperates with foreign countries, embassies and volunteer organizations and collaborates with about 40 universities in more than 20 countries. It should be noted that 4 major international projects are being implemented on the basis of this cooperation. The faculty participates in the international project "Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Program" (2020-2023) in cooperation with the University of Venice and the University of Bialstock, Poland. In addition, major international projects such as "Stand against drugs", "Pathway of Empowerment Gender based violence" are being implemented by the faculty team. Among the students of the faculty there are the winners of “Zulfiya” State Award, the Republican competitions "Young Reader" and "Inspiration", international competitions and festivals organized by the US Embassy as well as students awarded prestigious scholarships.
Dean of the Faculty: PhD, Associate Professor Sayfullayev Anvar Islovomovich