General information about master's specialties

Name of fields Masters codei Name of responsible faculty Name of responsible department Name of professional competencies Subjects catalog
1 70111401 Uzbek language and literature Faculty of language and literature education 1. Methods of teaching Uzbek literature 2. Linguodidactics
2 70111601 Uzbek language in foreign language groups Faculty of Uzbek language education 1. O‘zbek tilshunosligi 2. Til nazariyasi
3 70230103 Folklore and dialectology Faculty of Uzbek Philology 1. History of Uzbek literature and folklore 2. Uzbek linguistics
4 70230201 Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Translation Studies (English) Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice Intercultural communication and tourism
5 70230202 Simultaneous translation (English) Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice Translation Theory and Practice
6 70230203 Literary translation (English) Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice Translation Theory and Practice
7 70230204 Scientific and technical translation (English) Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice Translation Theory and Practice
8 70230301 Textual Studies and Literary Source Studies (Uzbek) Faculty of Applied Philology Textual Studies and Literary Source Studies
9 70230104 Literary Studies (Uzbek Literature) Faculty of Uzbek Philology 1. History of Uzbek literature and folklore 2. Literary theory and modern literary process
10 70230104 Literary Studies (World Literature) Faculty of Uzbek Philology 1. History of Uzbek literature and folklore 2. The theory of literary criticism and modern literary process
11 70230801 Computer linguistics Faculty of Uzbek language education Computer linguistics and digital technologies
12 70230104 Literary studies (literary theory) Faculty of Uzbek Philology Literary theory and modern literary process