

TSUULL has got an approach to assisst local community and students to develop their start-ups,  through this approach over 1000 students and people around are offered free consulting seminars and trainings (To see more click here). Their knowledge and creativity have materialized in over 100 proposals, many already put into practice. A lot of projects now are under development.

TSUULL has also provided financial support to the participants of Start-ups:

  • Shokirjon Tursunov, a third year student at the Faculty of teaching Uzbek language and literature  was rewarded  with 3 million;
  • Nilufar Isroilova, a third student at the Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice, was rewarded with 2 millions
  • Fotima Urunova ,  a second year student at the Faculty of Uzbek languages in other language groups was rewarded with a million. 

  To know more click here


                                                  2021 report

The contest “Scientific projects” was held in 2019 to support youth initiatives according to the plan of the start-up contest based on specialties of the university (university rector’s order  №01-181 dated 11.03.2019).  In the frame of this competition, students could participate a three-year startup project "Creation of thematic e-dictionaries for different areas” and  32 projects were selected.   
In 2021, the contest was held by selected organizers in accordance with the university rector’s order on Startup Innovation Project  (dated 01.15.2020 , №01-43) In the contest, the following students have  embarked on their projects:
Shokirjon Tursunov, a third student at the Faculty of teaching Uzbek language and literature,  project title: “Webozor”;  Nilufar Isroilova, a junior student at the Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice, project title:“Uzbek in minutes”;  Fotima Urunova, a second-year student at the Faculty of Uzbek languages in other language groups, project title: “Navoi- Unforgettable;   Iroda Tursunova, a first-year student at the Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice, project-title:“Abru ART” national carpentry pattern;  Abdusamad Egamberdiyev,  a third year student at the Faculty of teaching Uzbek language and literature, project title: “” intellectual server service,; Adham Abduxoliqov ”), a second year student at the Faculty of  Uzbek Philology, project title: “I Max;  Asomiddin Keldiyoro,  a third year student at the Faculty of  Uzbek Philology, project title: “Burgut”, Javohir Ro‘ziboyev, Ozodbek Amrillayev third year students at the Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice, project title: “”. In the contest, startup winners were rewarded with compensation so that they could put their projects into practice. 

TSUULL provides support to those who want to realize their START_UP projects in the campus. The assisstance in the form of use of space in the campus for their small businesses such as mini markets and canteens. (To know more click here)