The department specializes in the study of scientific and theoretical problems of Uzbek textual studies, in particular, the theoretical issues of literary sources and textual studies, the issues of authenticity and transformation, the issues of interpretation in the study of literary sources.
Specialists in the field of textual studies and source studies: N.Ibragimov, Sh.Sirojiddinov, N.Jumahoja, R.Zohidov, M.Abdullaev, M.Sadinov carried out scientific and pedagogical researches at the department.
The department operates within the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi. Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Philology Rashid Zohidov Fozilovich.
Priorities of the department:
- Research of theoretical and practical problems of literary sources and textual criticism on a scientific and fundamental basis;
- To prepare the ground for the creation of a systematic integrated theory of textology at the level of modern requirements in the study of literary sources and classical texts in the original text;
- Continuous improvement of the laws of the approach to literary and historical heritage based on the combination of classical traditions and modern achievements, the introduction of theoretical and practical results into scientific circulation;
- Achieve joint coordination of research in the field carried out by educational and research institutions and centers of social and humanitarian orientation at the national and international levels;
- Generalization of the methodology of research on manuscripts and lithographs kept in the ancient book collection of the University in an integrated system; Continuously strengthen the knowledge and capacity of undergraduate and graduate students majoring in literary studies and textual studies with practical skills;
- Revitalization of the scientific and innovative potential of the department, the implementation of the results of fundamental research that has successfully passed the scientific examination.
Department subjects
Textology (BA, course 2)
Classical Oriental languages (MA, course 1)
Old Uzbek language and script (MA, course1)
Textual theory (MA, course1)
Practice of working with literary sources (MA, course 2)
Principles of text interpretation (MA, course 2)
Fundamentals of scientific critical text (MA, course 2)
Calligraphy and book art (MA, course 1)
The issue of authenticity and conversion (MA, course 2)
History of literary sources (MA, course 2)
Stages of development of the Uzbek written text (MA, course 1)
Classical text language (MA, course 1)
Folklore textology. (BA, course 1)