Strategic Governance at the University: Roles of the University Council and Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees serves as a public governance body, established under national legislation and presidential decrees. It includes representatives from various sectors, including government, academia, and business. The Board's main objectives are to improve education quality, strengthen the university's material base, enhance infrastructure, and attract external funding. It also makes recommendations on strategic initiatives, educational programs, and performance evaluation of faculty and staff. Together, both bodies ensure the effective governance and continuous development of the institution.

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The University Council and the Board of Trustees are key governing bodies within the university, each playing a strategic role in its management and development.
The Board of Trustees of a higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") is established in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and the Presidential Decree No. PF–5847 dated October 8, 2019, "On the Approval of the Concept for the Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030." It serves as a public governing body of the university and plays a strategic role in the effective management of the institution.
The Board may include members of parliament, representatives from ministries and agencies, non-governmental organizations, the academic community, media representatives, sponsors, as well as employers and individuals.

Objectives, Responsibilities, and Powers of the Board of Trustees
1.  The primary objectives of the Board of Trustees are to improve the quality of education, strengthen the material and technical base of the higher education institution, and enhance the educational process.
2.  The Board of Trustees discusses and makes recommendations to the University Council on matters related to strengthening the material and technical, educational, and methodological base of higher education institutions, improving social and living infrastructure, optimizing the use of facilities, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the educational process, and determining future directions for training specialists and scientific-technical personnel, taking into account labor market developments. It also addresses issues such as improving the working conditions of teaching staff, organizing their professional development and retraining, and attracting donations, technical assistance (grants), and other external funds to ensure the consistent development of the institution.
Furthermore, the Board participates in discussing the institution’s action plans, event schedules, programs, and other documents, offering suggestions for improvement. It provides recommendations to the University Council regarding admission parameters for contract-based education in various fields and specialties. The Board also evaluates the activities of the institution’s leadership, staff, and faculty and offers recommendations to the University Council on performance evaluation criteria (KPIs).

Decisions on the following matters are made by the Board with the approval of at least three-fourths (75%) of the members present at the meeting:

  • •   Approval of the long-term and medium-term strategic development program of the higher education institution;
  • •   Approval of the medium-term business plan and the parameters of income and expenditure;
  • •   Setting the parameters for admission to fee-based education programs for various disciplines, specialties, and qualifications;
  • •   Independently determining the procedures for utilizing the extra-budgetary development fund of the higher education institution, including the allocation proportions for expenditures.

Minutes are recorded for each Board meeting. The minutes are formalized no later than five days after the meeting.
The minutes must include the following information:

  • •   The location and time of the meeting;
  • •   Names of attendees;
  • •   The agenda of the meeting;
  • •   The issues put to a vote and the results of the voting;
  • •   The decisions made.

The Council serves as the university's governing body, holding ultimate authority over its operations. To aid in these responsibilities, a structured system of standing committees is in place. These committees report directly to the Council or to specific divisions or departments before reaching the Council. The reporting structure for each committee is outlined in its terms of reference.

Female student on campus outdoors with a black top

The University Council oversees the implementation of national laws and government decisions related to higher education. It is responsible for developing strategic plans, improving academic programs, enhancing research, and managing faculty professional development. The Council also supervises faculty activities, monitors financial and operational decisions, and strengthens international relations.

Shuhrat Sirojiddinov
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Sulton Normamatov
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Gulnoza Jo‘rayeva
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Odinakhon Jamoldinova
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Nozliya Normurodova
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Jura Khudoyberdiyev
Secretary of the Council
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Hamidulla Dadaboyev
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 Ashirboyev Samixon
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Karimov Bahodir
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 Elov Botir
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 Xolmanova Zulxumor
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 Saodat Muhamedova
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Sunnatov Ortiq
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 Chiniqulov Nurmurod
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Obidjonova Ma’suma
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Aminov Jonibek
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Jabborov Nurboy
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Jo'raqo'ziyev Nodirbek
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Asadov Mahmadiyor
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 Azizova Ra’no
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Abdiyev Akmal
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Nasridinov Abdug'ani
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Nazarov Vahobjon
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Positional Guidelines for Academic Leadership and Faculty



Council Report: Strategic Updates

January Council Report: New Year Initiatives and Strategic Goals
February Council Report: Mid-Winter Updates and Key Achievements
March Council Report: Spring Developments and Project Milestones
April Council Report: Progress Check and Upcoming Initiatives
May Council Report: Key Decisions and Growth Highlights
June Council Report: Mid-Year Review and Future Planning
July Council Report: Summer Updates and Community Engagement
August Council Report: Strategic Insights and Project Advancements
September Council Report: Fall Preparations and Major Achievements
October Council Report: New Initiatives and Policy Updates
November Council Report: Year-End Planning and Milestone Review
December Council Report: Annual Summary and Future Vision

Responsibilities of the Scientific Council Secretary

• Notify relevant sector heads about the preparation of decision drafts according to the monthly meeting schedule of the TSUULL Scientific Council.
• Ensure the participation of council members in meetings and inform them of the date and time.
• Collect and formalize draft decisions from responsible parties in a timely manner.
• Distribute finalized draft decisions to all council members once they are officially prepared.

• Regularly monitor the implementation of the Scientific Council's decisions.
• Report to the chair of the Scientific Council if draft decisions are not executed by responsible parties.
• Officially document decisions in the minutes, ensuring they are signed and approved by the chair and scientific secretary.

• Certify copies of all TSUULL documents passed through the Scientific Council minutes.
• Review and submit documents for academic titles (professor, associate professor) for approval and send them to the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC).
• Certify minutes for doctoral and candidate dissertation topics discussed by the council.

• Conduct elections for department heads, professors, and associate professors via closed voting in respective departments.
• Conduct explanatory work on the regulations for teaching staff selection, ensuring adherence to regulations during the timely selection process.
• Announce vacancies at least two months before the deadline and accept applications for TSUULL teaching positions.
• Organize candidate discussions and monitor departmental recommendations.
• Collaborate with the Personnel and Administration Department to ensure timely selections and monitor contracts with selected candidates.
• Notify participants of selection results within ten days and prepare documents for the Personnel Department for order issuance.

• Approve the list of research activities for faculty members.
• Submit a compilation of the Scientific Council minutes to the archive at the end of each academic year.
• Submit the Scientific Council plan for approval by the rector after review by the Council.
• Maintain a nomenclature of the council's compilation volumes and monitor documents continuously.
• Prepare and submit documents for state scholarships, ensuring timely communication for students recommended for scholarships.

• Prepare an annual report on the activities of the Scientific Council.
• Draft a work plan for the council.
• Diligently perform all responsibilities outlined in the position.

• Understanding of regulatory documents regarding scientific work at TSUULL, legislation related to higher education, orders and directives from the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, the procedure for appointment to positions through selection for professors and lecturers, as well as the procedures for awarding academic degrees and titles, and other regulatory documents concerning the activities of the Scientific Council, the TSUULL Charter, and internal labor regulations.

• Familiarity with decisions related to higher education, regulations on higher educational institutions, and orders and directives from the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education.
• Knowledge of regulations concerning TSUULL, the Scientific Council, and procedures for awarding academic titles and degrees.
• A higher education qualification is essential.
• Knowledge of the selection process for academic staff in higher education is necessary.

The TSUULL Council convenes regularly, with scheduled meetings taking place monthly throughout the academic year. These meetings typically occur during the last week of each month. In addition to these standard sessions, the Council may organize additional meetings, retreats, or special development events as needed to address pressing matters or strategic initiatives. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the Council is expected to follow this monthly meeting schedule while remaining flexible to accommodate any urgent or extraordinary circumstances that may arise. This approach ensures the Council's responsiveness and commitment to the continuous development of the university.

The Council serves as the university's governing body, holding ultimate authority over its operations. To aid in these responsibilities, a structured system of standing committees is in place. These committees report directly to the Council or to specific divisions or departments before reaching the Council. The reporting structure for each committee is outlined in its terms of reference. At TSUULL, we have established several key committees, including the SDG Committee, Gender Issues Committee, and Scientific-Technical Committee.

Youth Parliament and University Governance: Driving Sustainable Progress through SDG 16

Aligned with the principles of SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, the Youth Parliament under the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan represents a progressive step in fostering inclusive governance and youth involvement. This initiative is part of the State Program "The Year of the Development of Science, Education, and the Digital Economy", highlighting a commitment to civic engagement and institutional transparency.
Formed under a resolution by the Senate Kengash, the Youth Parliament consists of 84 members, including representatives from each region and prominent institutions like the Alisher Navo'i Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature. This platform serves as a dynamic space for young leaders to engage in meaningful discussions on youth and university governance issues.
Strategic Objectives and Actions
Guided by a comprehensive Charter and Program, the Youth Parliament’s activities include:

  • •  Symposiums, conventions, and roundtable discussions addressing youth and academic community challenges.
  • •  Regional outreach initiatives to foster understanding and address diverse regional needs.
  • •  Legislative dialogue and policy recommendations, helping members become informed advocates for youth-oriented policy improvements.

Strengthening Civic Engagement and Legislative Collaboration
Youth Parliament members are tasked with understanding and representing the challenges faced by the youth in their communities, which they bring to the national stage through consultations and legislative dialogues. This initiative not only amplifies youth voices but also fosters relationships between members and the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis Committees, enabling them to contribute directly to the legislative process.

Advancing Future Leadership in Governance
As an advisory body, the Youth Parliament nurtures a future generation of Senate members and policymakers, encouraging youth to actively participate in shaping Uzbekistan’s educational and policy landscape. Supported by national legislative and executive bodies, this initiative exemplifies a sustainable approach to building strong institutions and cultivating a skilled, engaged citizenry for Uzbekistan’s future.

Profiles of Noteworthy Youth Parliament Members: Inspiring Change and Achievement

Islom Oknazarov: Leader of Excellence and Innovation

Islom Oknazarov stands as a prominent leader within the “Youth Academy,” organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation. An active participant in the national “Yuksalish” movement, Islom has a portfolio of significant achievements that exemplify his dedication to both academic and cultural advancement:

  • •    Awarded second place in the university category of “Student of the Year 2020” for his innovative contributions, receiving a substantial cash prize.
  • •    Earned second place again in the 2022 “Student of the Year” awards, accompanied by a commendable cash reward and an honorary certificate.
  • •    Honored by the Tourism Committee’s “Cultural Heritage Week” campaign, winning 3 million soums.
  • •    Led and won the “NIGOH” university photo project and took first place in the “Spring Breath” photo competition by the Ministry of Higher Education, earning a prestigious camera from the Rector.
  • •    Recognized as “Most Active Initiative Student of the Year” and winner of the “International Car Free Day” competition by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, receiving a bicycle from Minister Aziz Abdukhakimov.
  • •    Awarded a first-degree diploma for participation in Osh State University’s international competition “Til uluttun juzü,” celebrating International Mother Language Day.

Islom’s influence extends across various events, including the National Olympic Committee, European Union initiatives, and the “IIB Open Dialogue Quiz,” cementing his status as a role model for active, innovative youth leadership.

Sevara Jumayeva: Pioneer for Positive Change

Sevara Jumayeva, a dedicated member of the “Yuksalish” movement and the “Milliy Tiklanish” Democratic Party, embodies the spirit of transformative action. Born in the Oqdaryo district of Samarkand, Sevara has forged a path defined by civic engagement and dedication to social causes:

  • •    Recognized as “Student of the Year” at her university’s six-year anniversary, receiving a badge of distinction.
  • •    Instrumental in establishing impactful projects such as “Bexato yoz” (Write Right), “Til posbonlari” (Language Guides), and “Vatandosh bilan suhbat” (Conversation with Compatriots).
  • •    Active participant in the “Bir nuqtada birlashamiz” (Uniting at One Point) youth forum, earning certificates and commendations.

Sevara’s contributions underscore her role as an advocate for educational and social development, setting a high standard for youth engagement in meaningful projects that benefit her community.

Charos Olimova: Role Model of Resilience and Determination

Charos Olimova, a resilient leader within the “Yuksalish” movement, channels her personal mantra—“Believe in yourself and all that you are”—into every endeavor. Her tenacity and commitment to overcoming obstacles have made her a respected figure within the Youth Parliament. Charos has actively championed initiatives that foster youth engagement and dialogue with policymakers:

  • •    Facilitated critical discussions with the Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and faction leaders, advocating for greater youth participation in lawmaking.
  • •    Worked toward building a strong connection between Youth Parliament members and the Legislative Chamber Committees, establishing a foundation for collaborative governance and active parliamentary involvement.

These Youth Parliament members exemplify the power of dedication, resilience, and a vision for a better future, demonstrating how Uzbekistan’s youth are increasingly shaping the nation’s legislative and social landscape.


The Board of Trustees of the higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as "the Board") is established in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and Presidential Decree No. PF–5847 of October 8, 2019, "On Approval of the Concept for the Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030." It serves as a public governance body within the university. The Board is a strategic entity dedicated to ensuring the effective governance of the higher education institution.
The Board may include deputies, representatives from ministries and agencies, representatives of non-governmental organizations, members of the academic community and media, sponsors, as well as workforce employers and private individuals.
The main objectives of the Board of Trustees include enhancing the quality of education, strengthening the material and technical base of the higher education institution, and improving the educational process.
The Board of Trustees discusses and makes recommendations to the University Council on the following areas:
Strengthening the material, technical, and educational-methodological base of higher education institutions.
Improving social and household infrastructure, optimizing the use of buildings, and beautifying campus grounds.
Enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the educational process. Defining strategic directions for training specialists and scientific-technical personnel based on future labor market needs. Improving working conditions for academic staff, organizing opportunities for their professional development and retraining.
Ensuring the sustainable development of higher education institutions by attracting sponsorships, technical assistance (grants), and other off-budget funds.
Additionally, the Board of Trustees participates in discussions on institutional work plans, event schedules, programs, and other documents, providing suggestions for their improvement. It also recommends parameters for fee-based admissions in various educational fields and specialties, assesses the performance of the institution’s leadership and staff, and offers advice to the University Council on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of university personnel.
The responsibilities of the Youth Parliament include:
• Developing proposals to improve legal provisions protecting youth rights and interests.
• Discussing pressing issues in lawmaking and law enforcement with youth participation and preparing relevant proposals.
• Assisting the Legislative Chamber with oversight and analytical activities.
• Increasing youth awareness of parliamentary activities and all stages of lawmaking.
• Organizing discussions on important issues with youth and drafting proposals for addressing them.
• Conducting practical discussions on legislative matters, legislative techniques, and rules for legal documentation.
• Working with youth organizations to enhance political knowledge and patriotic spirit among young people.
• Supporting the development of international cooperation in youth policy.
In accordance with its responsibilities, the Youth Parliament performs the following functions:
• Identifies legal gaps in youth legislation and develops proposals for its improvement.
• Participates in the oversight and analytical activities of the Legislative Chamber upon request.
• Holds discussions on issues of concern to young people with their involvement.
• Organizes professional development courses and events to increase legal literacy among Youth Parliament members.
• Holds various events to foster patriotism and promote initiatives among youth.
• Conducts extensive outreach to increase youth awareness of parliamentary activity and lawmaking processes.
• Communicates the content and essence of laws and the activities of the Legislative Chamber to youth through the media.
• Establishes partnerships with Youth Parliaments abroad to advance international cooperation in youth policy, with the approval of the Youth Issues Commission.
• Assists the Legislative Chamber and other relevant organizations in protecting the rights and interests of youth studying or working abroad.
The Youth Parliament has the right to:
• Request and obtain documents, materials, and information from government bodies, educational and scientific institutions, and other organizations necessary for its duties, with the consent of the Youth Issues Commission.
• Participate in sessions of the Legislative Chamber or its Council with the Speaker’s or Deputy Speaker’s consent, as well as committee and commission meetings with respective chairs' consent.
• Use libraries and electronic databases of the Legislative Chamber, educational institutions, and information centers.
• Form working groups of scholars and specialists to prepare proposals on draft laws and other responsibilities within the scope of the Youth Parliament.
The Youth Issues Commission assists the Youth Parliament by:
• Coordinating the formation process of the Youth Parliament.
• Reviewing candidates’ compliance with the requirements for Youth Parliament membership as outlined in this Regulation.
• Confirming candidates nominated by political parties for Youth Parliament membership.
• Reviewing the early termination of a Youth Parliament member’s authority, as per the grounds specified in this Regulation.
• Notifying relevant political parties within ten days to recommend new candidates for any vacant positions.
• Approving and issuing the Youth Parliament’s logo, member badges, and identification certificates.
The process of forming the Youth Parliament is announced by the Youth Issues Commission in the media at least two months before the current term expires. The Youth Issues Commission may involve the Youth Affairs Agency of Uzbekistan, the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, and other state and non-state organizations responsible for youth policy.
Candidate Requirements for Youth Parliament Membership
• Candidates are recommended by national political parties and should be proactive, highly ethical, and knowledgeable in state and public affairs, demonstrating leadership abilities.
• Candidates must be between 18 and 30 years old, citizens of Uzbekistan, and able to inspire their peers.
• Each political party nominates candidates from electoral districts of deputies elected to the Legislative Chamber.
The following individuals are ineligible for nomination:
• Members of the Legislative Chamber or Senate.
• Citizens with unresolved convictions for serious crimes.
• Citizens who have not resided in Uzbekistan for the last five years.
• Active military personnel and employees of certain law enforcement and security agencies.
• Professional employees of religious organizations and associations.
The Youth Parliament conducts at least two open and transparent sessions annually. The organization and conduct of meetings are specified in the Youth Parliament’s Regulations.
The Youth Parliament:
• Makes decisions on discussed issues and its internal activities with a majority vote.
• Elects a Chair and Deputy Chairs for the term with a majority vote, with a limit of two consecutive terms for the Chair position.
Responsibilities of the Youth Parliament Chair
The Chair of the Youth Parliament: (Additional details on the Chair’s responsibilities can be added here, if available).

Strengthening Institutional Governance and Youth Leadership at TSUULL: Aligning with National and Sustainable Development Goals

At the Alisher Navo'i Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, institutional governance and youth leadership are being actively developed in line with Uzbekistan’s national priorities and Sustainable Development Goals. The University Council, as the university’s top governing body, is responsible for strategic planning, enhancing academic standards, and overseeing financial and operational initiatives to foster innovation and international collaborations.

Aligned with SDG 16, TSUULL also supports youth engagement through participation in the national Youth Parliament under the Oliy Majlis (Supreme Assembly). This body, part of Uzbekistan's "Year of the Development of Science, Education, and the Digital Economy," empowers young leaders to advocate on civic issues and promote transparency in governance. Youth Parliament members from TSUULL work on organizing discussions, conducting regional outreach, and engaging with legislative committees, ensuring youth perspectives shape national policy.

Together, the University Council and the Youth Parliament are driving TSUULL’s mission to cultivate skilled, socially responsible leaders and to strengthen institutional frameworks for a progressive, inclusive future.

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Strategic Leadership in Action

University Council and Board of Trustees Driving Excellence in Governance