Board of Trustees for Education, Research, and SDG Strategy Implementation
The Rector of Alisher Navo’i Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature presides over the Board of Trustees for Education, Research, and SDG Strategy Implementation (referred to as the Board). The Board consists of several committees, including:
- - Committee for Education Process: Ensuring Educational Quality and Equity.
- - Committee for Research on Global Issues.
- - Collaboration Committee with State and Local Authorities.
- - Labor Market Assessment Committee.
- - Social Welfare Committee.
- - Committee for Organizing Cultural Programs.
Each committee presents issues aligned with its respective responsibilities to the overall Board for thorough discussion and analysis. Proposals resulting from these discussions are meticulously reviewed. Final decisions are reached through voting by the Board, requiring the approval of a significant majority of its members. Matters declined by the Board may be reconsidered for discussion following further review by the respective committee.
Throughout its activities, the Board has issued decisions on various significant matters, including:
Initiating the collection of tuition fees to support financially disadvantaged female students and orphaned students requiring social assistance.
Undertaking measures to preserve biodiversity on the university campus, including the implementation of the "Green Campus" project.
Establishing a dedicated platform to foster continuous dialogue between university graduates and potential employers.
Extending financial and moral support to local youth who have returned from correctional institutions or encountered fines.
Providing financial aid to students who have successfully engaged in various educational programs.
Engaging in legal processes relevant to matters in alignment with the university's mission in the field of legal affairs.