Xoliqov Bahodir Aliqulovich
Vice-rector of Youth affairs and Spiritual- educational affairs
Khalikov Bakhodir Alikulovich, doctor of philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor Kholikov Bakhodir Alikulovich has been working as a prose on youth issues and spiritual and educational work since October 11, 2021 in Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature.
Bakhodir Khalikov graduated from UzSWLU in the faculty of Philology (English) in 2007 and in 2011 he graduated from master's degree in Linguistics (English). In 2018, he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology, and in 2021, he received the title of Associate Professor.
From 2012 to 2013 he worked as an intern-researcher at UzSWLU, in 2013-2015 he worked as Senior Research Fellow, in 2015-2016 - Lecturer, Department of Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics at National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek. In 2016-2017 he worked as the head of International Relations Department at TSUUL, in 2017-2018 as Secretary of the University Council, Lecturer of Translation Theory and Practice Department (on a part-time basis), in 2018 Deputy Dean for Spiritual and Educational Affairs at Uzbek-English Translation Faculty, Head of Translation Theory and Practice Department.
In February-April 2017, Bakhodir Khalikov completed successfully the training course on the formation of a reserve of management staff of higher education institutions at the Main Scientific-Methodological Center of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education. Bakhodir Khalikov is currently conducting research on Uzbek literature in Great Britain. In his research he has published articles and books on internal and external factors that have influenced the development of Uzbek literature in the world, as well as on the problems of comparative literary studies.
His scholarly works include Detective Poetics (2016) and Critical Studies in Comparative Literature (2021). Bakhodir Khalikov - Head of the practical project "Creation of multilingual electronic platform of Uzbek literature (in Uzbek, Russian, English) for 2021-2023" under DITD.
Bakhodir Khalikov participated in scientific expeditions to Tajikistan, the Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation. He has presented papers at international and national conferences and published a number of articles and abstracts.