Uzbek linguistics department !


  Uzbek Linguistics department was founded in 2016 on the basis of the Department of Linguistic Theory, approved by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education No. 267 dated April 28, 2017, "Activities of Departments of Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry" It was reorganized by the decision of the University Council on August 28, 2022 in accordance with the Regulation on the organization and evaluation of the activities of department heads. The department operates on the basis of the Regulations approved on August 28, 2022.

Head of the department: doctor of philological sciences, professor Zulkhumor Kholmanova.

There are 31 professors and teachers in the main staff, 4 of them are doctors of science (3 professors, 1 associate professor); 12 have a doctor of philosophy (or candidate of science) degree.

Scientific potential of the department: 52%

Priority directions of the department:
•    Conducting lectures, laboratory, practical and other types of training at a high theoretical, scientific-methodical and professional level in accordance with the  state educational standard of higher education for all forms of education .
•    Supervising students' professional internships, course projects, graduate theses, master's theses, as well as independent work.
•    Introduction of rating control in the evaluation of students' knowledge, conducting current, intermediate and final evaluations based on the rating system based on the established criteria, organizing activities of students outside the auditorium.
•    Training of highly qualified personnel who meet high moral and ethical requirements at the level of developed democratic countries.
•    Developing and approving educational programs for the department's subjects, as well as preparing reviews and conclusions for educational programs prepared by related departments.
•    Regularly conduct and improve the comparative analysis of DTS, curricula and programs with the educational programs of developed foreign countries in the areas and specialties of the department;
•    Working with talented students, as well as preparing them to participate in the "El-Yurt Umid" fund competition, taking measures to improve the forms and methods of independent preparation of students and involving them in scientific researches, scientific research works individually and teaching them to work as a team, creating the necessary organizational-methodical and material-technical conditions for the realization of their scientific and creative activities.

Fields and specializations taught by the department:
5120100 - Philology and language teaching (Uzbek language).
60230100 - Philology and language teaching (Uzbek language).
60111400 – Uzbek language and literature;
5120900 – Uzbek-English translation theory and practice.
60230200 – Translation theory and practice.
5111200 - Uzbek language and literature (external, evening)

5111200 - Uzbek language and literature (second specialty)
70111401 – Uzbek language and literature.

Department subjects

Modern Uzbek literary language( BA, 1-course)
Modern Uzbek literary language( BA, 2-course)
Modern Uzbek literary language( BA,1-course)
Modern Uzbek literary language( BA,3-course)
Modern Uzbek literary language( BA, 1-course)
Modern Uzbek literary language( BA, 2-course)
Modern Uzbek literary language( BA, 3-course)
The system of norms of the Uzbek literary language (BA, 2-course)
Uzbek terminology (BA, 2-course)
History of the Uzbek language (BA, 2-course)
History of the Uzbek language (BA, 3-course)
History of the Uzbek language (BA, 3-course)
Uzbek language terminology and lexicology (BA, 4-course)