Professor Kholmonova Zulkhumor Turdiyevna was awarded with the title of "Honored youth coach in Uzbekistan" by The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
He made a worthy contribution to the reforms implemented in the way of strengthening the independence of our country, building a new Uzbekistan, raising the morale of our people with his bright talent, extensive creative, scientific and practical activities, developing the fields of science, education, sports, culture and art in our country, mothering our youth. Dadabayev Khamidulla Aripovich, professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, was awarded the honorary title of Honored Youth Coach in the Republic of Uzbekistan for his endless love and loyalty to the country, respect for universal human values, effective services and active participation in public affairs.
On March 15, 2021, by the Department of Uzbek Linguistics, the Literary Institute of Azerbaijan FA Nizomi, Ankara University of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk University, Pamukkale University, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Scientific and Practical Center of Languages and Cultures of Altai Communities and Kazakhstan In cooperation with the "Dostlik" community of Uzbek ethnocultural associations of the Republic of Estonia, an international scientific-theoretical conference was organized on the topic "Views of Uzbek thinkers on the theory of language". Well-known scientists of the Turkic world participated in the conference with interesting lectures on various topics. At the conference, the great services of our ancestors who matured in our country and made a significant contribution to world civilization were recognized, opinions were exchanged on current issues related to the industry, and new plans for cooperation were drawn up.
On May 25, a grant project presentation was held by the Department of Uzbek Linguistics of ToshDO'TAU at the specialized boarding school for blind children No. 77 in Tashkent.
Scientists of Uzbek Language and Literature University named after Alisher Navoi, prof. "Uzbek Military Terminology" training manual prepared by Dadaboyev Hamidulla Aripovich has been published.