Normamatov Sultonbek Ermamatovich
Vice-rector for Academic Affairs
Normamatov Sultanbek Ermamatovich was appointed as the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature on November 14, 2019. Prior to this time, he worked at Gulistan State University as the head of the department, dean, vice-rector for spiritual and educational work.
Linguist S.Normamatov graduated from Gulistan State University in Syrdarya region, where he was born, in 2000th year with a bachelor's degree and master's degree in Linguistics (Uzbek) in 2003.
S.Normamatov's researches are devoted to the history of Uzbek linguistics of the end of the XIX century, 20-30s of the XX century, that is, to the study of the linguistic activity of the Jadid enlighteners who created during this period. In 2011 he defended his dissertation on "Spiritual and methodological features of the lexicon of Abdullah Avlani’s poetry".
Continuing his work in this direction, in 2020 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation (DSc) on "The role of modern enlighteners in the formation and development of Uzbek lexicography." In the dissertation, the role of enlightened "Jadid" writers in the development of Uzbek lexicography is scientifically evaluated on the basis of linguistic research of philological dictionaries created by them.Publications which were published by S.Normamatov: “Lexicon of Abdulla Avloni's poetry” (monograph, 2012), “Linguistic activity of Jadid writers” (monograph, 2018) “Fundamentals of Lexicography” (Handbook, 2021).
In addition to his research work, Professor S.Normamatov has been working as a senior lecturer, associate professor, professor at the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi since 2016. He has been teaching the subjects of “History of Uzbek Linguistics ”,“ Fundamentals of Lexicography ”. At the same time, the vice-rector for Academic Affairs is also working as the director of the academic Lyceum under the Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and literature. At the academic lyceum under this university, the activities of “Turkish language educational center”, “Chinese language educational center” are established.