The department of scientific research and training scientific-pedagogical specialists
Boborajabov Ergash Toshpulatovich
Date of birth: 08.01.1983
Nationality: Uzbek
Contact: +998 71 281 45 39
Reception days: 9:00 - 17:00
- To fulfill tasks specified in this regulation and the regulation of the University;
- To maintain normative-legal documents;
- To ensure the execution of orders of the University Council;
- To take measures to improve the efficiency of the department's activities.
- The staff of the department regularly fulfills the tasks assigned by the University administration in time.
- Employees of the Department strictly follow the legislation in their activities.
The department of scientific research and training scientific-pedagogical specialists
The purpose of the department
- The department of scientific research and training scientific-pedagogical specialists organizes scientific research on the Uzbek language and literature, as well as carries out training scientific-pedagogical specialists in this field.
- The department functions in accordance with Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees and Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Resolutions of the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Resolutions and Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, Normative-legal acts of Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan on science and education, as well as regulations of Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and literature.
- Preparation of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical specialists through doctoral students, basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and independent researchers.
The tasks of the department
- To ensure performance and relevant tasks of Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 13 May, 2016 PF-4797 “On establishment of Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and literature”;
Rights and responsibilities of the department - To organize and implement scientific-theoretical, innovative and fundamental research on current issues of the Uzbek language and literature;
- To prepare highly qualified scientific and pedagogical specialists on specialty codes;
- To promote the research of scientific-pedagogical specialists and encouragement of them;
- To recommend scientific-pedagogical specialists carrying out successful research to the award on the basis of appropriate procedures;
- The department of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical specialists annually prepares a project on the allocation of quotas for doctoral and basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and submits it to the relevant ministries and publishes in the media about the allocated quotas;
- To prepare an order on the composition of the commission for the acceptance of documents and examinations of candidates for doctoral students, basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and independent research;
- To organize interviews with the Rector, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation to determine the responsibilities of enrolled doctoral students, basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and independent researchers;
- To supervise the timely approval of doctoral dissertation topics, individual work plans of doctoral students, basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and independent researchers, and theoretical and methodological course programs developed by scientific adviser;
- To prepare orders on conducting qualifying examinations and sending to the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- To carry out organizational work on admission of talented graduates to the basic doctoral program;
- To prepare certificates of passing qualifying exams.
- Contact with the executive bodies, as well as university faculties, departments, the Society of Young Philologists and scientific laboratories on issues within the competence of the department of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical specialists;
- Conducting qualifying examinations in accordance with the Regulations of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the procedure for conducting qualifying examinations";
- Supervising the process of the qualifying exams;
- Supervising the fulfillment of individual plans of doctoral students, basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and independent researchers, as well as the activities of scientific advisers;
- Monitoring the effectiveness of activities of doctoral students, basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and independent researchers in certain periods;
- Taking action against doctoral students, basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and independent researchers who do not fulfill their individual plans;
- Supervising the timely fulfillment of individual work plans of doctoral students, basic doctoral students, trainee researchers and independent researchers;
- Opening of doctoral and basic doctoral institutions for the specialties having scientific potentials;
- Providing researchers with information about conferences in the country and abroad;
- Recommending doctoral students, basic doctoral students who defended ahead of schedule, as well as their scientific advisers and supervisors to the award;
- Preparing the annual report and submitting to the statistical department.