Achievements of Computer linguistics and digital technologies department

Associate Professor (PhD) Manzura Abjalova is the Winner of the Republican contest  "100 best innovative projects of women in Uzbekistan" in the category "The best computer programs and databases" .

Associate Professor (PhD) Manzura Abjalova, winner of the philological direction of the competition "The best methodology of teaching the Uzbek language" .

The Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2020) awarded docent (PhD) Manzura Abjalova the badge «Leader of Innovative Ideas».

A number of dedicated teachers of the university have received DSc, PhD and associate professor diplomas. In particular, the head of the department, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, B.B. Elov was awarded an associate professor diploma.

The INTERNATIONAL "Computer Linguistics: Problems, Solutions and Prospects" conference  was successfully held.

"The Uzbek-Russian-English Explanatory Dictionary of Transport Terms"  was published by the students attached to the department and their scientific adviser (PhD) M.Abjalova.

The textbook "Informatics and Information Technologies (7th grade)" was published with the participation of senior teacher of the department R. Atamuratov.

At the Week of Innovative Ideas "InnoWeek.Uz-2021" was presented the "Educational Corpus of the Uzbek language" created by the Department of Computer Linguistics and Digital Technologies (PhD) Manzura Abjalova and the scientific team of the university.

Head of the of Computer Linguistics and Digital Technologies department, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor B. Elov  visited to Karabuk Univercity in Turkey and conducted  a 20-hour online and offline course on NLP for students of the Computer Engineering Faculty. 

The Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan held the Republican competetion "Native language - National pride" in the direction of "Best software products and developments" teachers B. Elov and M.Abjalova were awarded a diploma of II degree.