Teshaboyeva Ziyodakhon Kodirovna
Teshaboyeva Ziyodakhon Kodirovna
Giving articles in English translations of Boburnoma
Interpretation of emotional phraseological units in Boburnoma
The semantic field of the phraseological unit “Going to the grace of God” in the Boburnoma
Concerning the English translations of the proverbs and phraseological units in the Boburnoma
Reflection of aphorisms in Boburnoma in English translations
Phrazeological units in “Boburnoma” and the analysis of their English translation
Military terms in "Baburnoma" and a comparative analysis of their English translation
Scientific and theoretical study of “Baburname” and its’ translations into the world languages
The place of women in historical works, about the phrase and proverb associated with their name
Comparative analysis of the lexical area of "bone" in the work "Boburnoma" and English translations
The phraseological unit associated with "heart" in "Boburnoma".
Analysis of Takalluf's Semantic Glosses and English Translations
Cognitive and lexicographic study of phraseological units in English translations of "Boburnoma"
Phraseological units in English translations of "Boburnoma" and their national-cultural features
Maxsus reportaj Zahriddin Muhammad Bobur - buyuk siymo
Ziyodaxon Teshaboeva - Filologiya fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PHD) bilan suhbat
Бобурий маликалар | Nafosatnoma