Low-income student support

TSUULL often offers various forms of support for low-income students to ensure they have equal access to education. Here are some common types of support provided by TSUULL for students from low-income families: food, housing, transportation and tickets for local cultural activities. TSUULL is open to requests from its students and eager to help them to avoid dropout or academic gap year.

Our strategy:

Charity events are organized in special holidays to support and encourage TSUULL students materially. However, students who are in urgent need can reach responsible contacts and get required assistance from university. In order to decrease the numbers of dropout students, our Student Support Community investigates students who are from low-income families; victims of environmental, industrial or other disasters and internally displaced persons. Apart from material aid, we also try to provide all our students with tickets to cultural activities such as theaters, amusement parks and museums.



We work with all students to provide different forms of support aimed at reducing the number of students in need in higher education institutions.
We focus on students in the following categories:

  • • All students regardless of their age, gender and course.

Following our analysis of institutional data, and considering our local context, we will prioritize the following groups for our sustained engagement programmes and other highly targeted work:  



  • • From low income families 
  • • Classified as having a disability  
  • • Estranged from their families 
  • • Forced Migrants  
  • • From military families 
  • • Young carers  

Orifjon Olimjonov – Student Support Community manager
Zuhra Hakimova – SDG Support Coordinator
Sevinch Kayumova – SDG Support Coordinator Assistant 

Visit for more: 

An important reminder: today is the International Day of Charity [established by the United Nations in 2012], a time for everyone to think about the ways we can help those less fortunate than us.

Helping others can be a good thing not just for society, but for ourselves as well. Charity does not have to mean donating money to NGO or giving up your time to 
community projects. It’s simple to visit sick relatives or to help the older person to cross the road. 

To celebrate this Day, we want to share the social responsibility initiative of our University – TSUULL Donation Program. University Foundation provides partial or full assistance to the students with financial shortage from poorer regions. TSUULL Volunteers led by the Rector distributed a basket with basic goods for low-income families nearby the University district.

This Donation Program aims at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030.

More about the Program: https://tsuull.uz/en/content/donation-program-tsuull-now

More about chairity and TSUULL

University Foundation provides partial or full assistance to the students with financial shortage from poorer regions.
As we mentioned before, the charity program by Alisher Navo'i Tashkent State University of Uzbek langauge and literature is developed in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the government Resolution No.213, which was created at the suggestion of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev and in accordance with SDG 1 No Poverty.
In particular, the staff of TSUULL, led by the head of Computer Linguistics department Elov Botir, held an event  where uzbek national plov is cooked and distributed to the students and people around.
Palov was distributed to about 80 students from our university and about 15 people living in Yakkasaray district and university staff as well.

More about a donation program

Action Against Hunger’s food security and livelihoods programs tackle the root causes of hunger by addressing problems of production, access, and income.
Today, 29th of July, a group of  volunteers started new day with next step of Donation program which was established by the rector of university. A group of volunteers distributed a basket with basic goods for low-income students at dormitory. The leader of TSUULL, Shuhrat Sirojiddinov pointed out the next steps of donation and encouraged youth to take part actively in the next events.
This Donation aims at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030.
Encompassing a wide array of activities customized to meet a community’s and university students specific needs, this program is designed to  enhance a vulnerable community’s access to sustainable sources of food and income.

More about university is on the next step

The university is a place where intelligent people support each other, teach to be united on the path to knowledge. The charity program by Alisher Navo'i Tashkent State University of Uzbek langauge and literature is developed in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the government Resolution No.213, which was created at the suggestion of the President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev and in accordance with SDG 1 No Poverty. In particular, the staff of TSUULL, headed by the rector of the university Shukhrat Sirojiddinov, held a number of events organising charity events where uzbek national plov is cooked and distributed to the students and people around. Special bank account has been opned at university for donation campaign in terms of providing necessary supplements. At the same time, the Fund receives a significant part of donations in the form of food products and other consumer goods from university staff and partners from all regions of Uzbekistan.

The purpose of the Program is the accumulation of property (money, food and non-food property donations, other types of property) received through voluntary donations from legal entities and individuals, as well as from other activities not prohibited by law, and the use of this property for charitable activities aimed at:

-social support and protection of students and citizens of Yakkasaray district, including improving the financial position of socially unprotected categories of the population; at the same time, the improvement of the financial situation is understood as, among other things, saving the expenses that takes place when receiving a charitable donation in the form of food and non-food consumer goods;

-assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters and internally displaced persons;

-promotion of activities in the field of prevention and protection of public health, as well as promoting healthy lifestyles, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens; among other things by providing additional food;

-promoting volunteerism.

More about a donation program

Savol: Ehtiyojmand oilalardagi xotin-qizlarga beriladigan tavsiyanomalar qancha muddat davomida amal qiladi?

Javob: Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2020-yil 23-iyundagi 402-son qarori bilan tasdiqlangan nizomga muvofiq tavsiyanomalar oliy ma’lumot olish istagida bo‘lgan ehtiyojmand oilalardagi xotin-qizlarga bir yilga beriladi.

Lekin 2020-yilda berilgan tavsiyanomalar rasmiylashtirib berilgan sanadan e’tiboran 3 yil muddat davomida kuchga ega bo‘lishi belgilangan (https://lex.uz/docs/-4866624?ONDATE=23.06.2020%2000#-4871409).

Demak, ehtiyojmand oilalardagi xotin-qizlarga berilgan tavsiyanomalarning amal qilish muddati quyidagicha:

 2020-yilda berilgan tavsiyanomalar — 3 yil;
 2021-yilda berilgan tavsiyanomalar — 1 yil;
 2022-yilda berilgan tavsiyanomalar — 1 yil.

Izoh: tavsiyanoma ajratilgan qo‘shimcha to‘rt foizli davlat granti asosidagi qabul ko‘rsatkichlari doirasida ehtiyojmand oilalardagi xotin-qizlarning abituriyent sifatida ro‘yxatdan o‘tishida tanlagan birinchi ta’lim yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha tanlovda ishtirok etish huquqini beradi.

More about Support for the students in need