Education Quality Inspection Department

Date of birth: 23.03.1977
Nationality: Uzbek
Contact: +99871 281 42 86
Reception days: 9:00 - 17:00
- To analyze the provision of courses with State Educational Standarts, Qualification Requirements, Educational Plans and Programs;
- To analyze the provision of study areas and specialities with normative-legal documents;
- To study the level of provision of students with textsbooks;
- To analyze the relevance of faculty’s degree diplomas to the disciplines they teach;
- To study the usage of IT in classes;
- To study the engagement of the faculty and students in research projects, to analyze research outcomes outlined by the requirements of customers;
- To analyze the provision of departments and divisions with modern conveniences, laboratory equipments, and IT and their effective usage;
- To study the involvement of local and foreign specialists and experts of Research Institutions, enterprizes and organizations in education process;
- To study the actuality and quality of themes of Graduation Qualification Papers and Master’s Degree Dissertations and their implementation in manufacturing process;
- To participate in determining faculty’ rankings;
- To analyze the organization and taking process of Final State Attestation according to acting normative-legal documents;
- To determine professional skills of pedagogical staff of the university and the lyceum as well as to analyze the quality of education in postdoctoral education, training and retraining services;
- To analyze the job done in the fields like international relations, academic mobility, international scientific events (seminars, conferences, symposiums, etc.), international research projects, and investments.
Education Quality Inspection Department
Education Quality Inspection Department (EQID) was established at TSUUL according to the Decree 515 dated 18.07.2017 by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Establishing State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. The mission of the department is to learn and analyze the coincidence of the students’ knowledge to State Educational Standards, to monitor the quality of personnel training, to held inner attestation.
The department has 3 job places: head of department and two chief specialists.
Both head of department and two chief specialists are appointed and dismissed by the decree of the Rector by the prior agreement of Head of State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The department is led by a head. The position of the head is equal to the position o f a dean of a faculty.
In case the head of department is absence (for the reason of vacation, illness, etc.) his duties are assigned by the rector to one of the chief specialists.
Qualified specialists with practical-methodological experience in quality assurance in education, and with scientific-pedagogical experience are employed in the department.