
Mon, 12/11/2023 - 14:42

TSUULL Students Are the Winners of the President and Eminent State Scholarships for the Year 2023/2024

For the 2023/2024 academic year, 8 undergraduate TSUULL Students were considered eligible for state scholarships named after the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Winners of the state scholarship named after Navoi:

Askaraliyeva Nigora Oybek qizi 
Xazratqulova Shoxsanam Sharafiddinovna
Shаkirovа Sеvаrа Тоxirjon qizi
Eshboyeva Shoira Bakir qizi
Berdiyeva Sabinabonu Zayniddin qizi
Kamilov Мiraziz Мurоdullа о'g'li
lslom Karimov nomli davlat stipendiyasi sovrindori

Rajabova Хulkаrоу Atabek qizi
Winner of the scholarship named after the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Azimjonov Xusniddin Ibroxim-o'g'li

Credit: TSUULL Press Centre