Title: University Impact Forum
Date: 27-28 September
Topic for discussion: Considering the importance of quality education in paving the way for a more sustainable future, the forum included an exclusive data masterclass examining the THE Impact Rankings methodology with a focus on university performance for SDG 4.
Participants from our university: Vice-rector on International Cooperation - Nozliya Normurodova; The head of International department Zuhra Hakimova
Title: The European Union Educational Fair
Date: 9-11 September,2023
Topic for discussion: A number of leading European universities and international academic organizations took part in the fair with their presentations regarding SDG 4. The European Union educational exhibition was held with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan and local HEIs.
Participants: A number of leading European universities and international academic organizations, University of Bucharest and the Free University of Berlin, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Title: The First Kyrgyz-Uzbek Rectors' Forum Results: TSUULL Signs Six Agreements with Kyrgyzstan Universities
Date: 5th October, 2023
Topic for discussion: The Forum aimed at development of cooperation between universities of two countries and implementation of joint research projects. During the Forum, cooperation agreements were concluded between TSUULL and 6 Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic:
1. a memorandum of cooperation was signed with Batken State University on the establishment and activation of the system of academic exchange of students (Bachelor, Master, Academic Researchers), and the organization of teacher internships;
2. a cooperation was established with Bishkek Humanities University named after K. Karasaev in scientific, educational and methodological directions;
3. in order to further increase the research and academic potential with the Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn;
4. to further improve the cooperation of Kyrgyz researchers and teaching staff of the National Academy of Arts of the Kyrgyz Republic named after T.Sadikov with their Uzbek colleagues, and their cooperation with TSUULL to create an opportunity to conduct scientific research
5. to organize scientific seminars, conferences and forums in cooperation with the Osh University of Humanities and Education named after A. Myrsabekov;
6. to expand the possibility of online and offline study at TSUULL for Kyrgyz students to further improve the cooperation of Kyrgyz researchers and teaching staff with their Uzbek colleagues with Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after B.Sidikov, to create an opportunity for them to conduct scientific research at TSUULL, professors and teachers, cooperation agreements were signed to publish the articles of researchers and students in the scientific publications of partner HEIs.
Title: Forum SDG4: Uzbekistan And Tajikistan: A Collaboration of Two Universities on Most Important Issues
Date: 6-8 July
Topics for discussion: Issues as implementing SDGs into education, the organization of exchange of students based on academic mobility, the holding of joint scientific seminars, conferences and forums, the expansion of the opportunity for Tajik students to study online and offline at TSUULL, the publication of articles by professors, researchers, and students in the scientific publications of partner HEIs.
Participants: Tajikistan International University of Foreign Languages named after S. Ulugzoda, Khojand State University named after B. Gafurov, Panjikent State Pedagogical University named after S. Aini, Panjikent State Pedagogical Institute
NGO name: PolitIQ
Topics for discussion: Most of the content of fundamental human rights had been included into SDGs, for instance health, education, gender equality, and women’s empowerment. A series of short presentations delivered, organized and hosted by TSUULL University and made accessible for all. These public-talks enhance skills related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, while fostering the involvement of institutions of higher education as valuable stakeholders to achieve the Goals.
Participants: Maria Tsagolova, Manager of PolitIQ, Kirill Telin, PhD, Coordinator of the MA in Post-Soviet Public Policy, Nazym Turganbek, Manager of PolitIQ Skills
Title: Constitution As A The Guarantee of The Bright Future of Uzbek People
GOs name: the Chairwoman of the Committee on Women and Girls and Gender Equality of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Topics for discussion: ‘Our Constitution is the guarantee of our bright future’. It provided a broad understanding of the essence of the constitutional reforms and the referendum. They also discussed the new constitutional norms on human rights and freedoms, education, social sphere, parliament, judicial bodies, power system and banking activities reflected in our basic law.
Participants: the Chairwoman of the Committee on Women and Girls and Gender Equality of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ms. Malika Kadirkhanova.
NGOs name: Central Asia Barometer (CAB)
Date: On 12 May 2023
Topics for discussion: TSUULL opens up a dialogue with the Student Community to raise awareness on a social work perspective to SDGs. The problems such as poverty, climate change, global warming, and social and environmental sustainability concerns constitute obstacles to achieving sustainable development goals. Tlegen Kuandykov, a Communications Officer at Central Asia Barometer (CAB), delivered a public-talk to TSUULL Students on the profession of Communications Officer, their primary duties, and how you can become one. The guest lecture took place via Zoom at TSUULL University Room 312 on Friday. The lecture was held in English and was also attended by 35 students from various faculties. The topic aroused great interest, thus many questions ensued.