Tojiboyeva Ozoda Tohirovna
Tojiboyeva Ozoda Tohirovna
Folk version of Farhod and Shirin's epic
Gaybulla Salomov On the transformation of Hamsa epics
Hamid Arasli is a Navoi scholar
Nasri "Khamsai benazir" editions
About the translation and interpretation of the "Iskandarnama"
Possibilities of analysis of the structural method
History of the Study and Publication of Lutfi's Works
Hamid Araslining Navoiyshunoslik faoliyati
Boburnoma biografik manba sifatida
Mansur Afzalovning ilmiy faoliyati xususida
Description of Navruz on Lyrics of Alisher Navoi
A Study of Alisher Navoiy's Lyrics and Folklore
“Tarje’bandi Xomisa” – Alisher Navoiyga izdoshlik mahsuli
“Sab’ai Sayyor” turkumidagi asarlarning tarjima va talqinlari
Alisher Navoi's epics: essence and interpretation
Life and creative legacy of Maulana Lutfiy