Implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through Open Education – TSUULL Leads "SDG Education for Global Citizenship"



Teaching and Learning

The "SDG Education for Global Citizenship" program is a pioneering, collaborative, intercultural, and transdisciplinary initiative aimed at nurturing global citizenship among students hailing from 15 universities in the Central Asia region with a focus on social-humanitarian aspects.
TSUULL, in partnership with SPHERE and the NEO Erasmus team, spearheads this groundbreaking initiative. This marks the inauguration of TSUULL's first international SDGs program. Importantly, this program has been co-designed with active contributions from four other esteemed core partner universities: Sevilla University, Gdansk University, Cadiz University, and Osh State University.
TSUULL's close collaboration with the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Uzbekistan has facilitated substantial collaborations with various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Uzbekistan.


Related SDGs

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 3:Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4:Quality EducationGoal

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


Goal 11:Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 17:Partnerships for the Goals

TSUULL's Commitment to Sustainable Development and the SDGs
At TSUULL, sustainable development and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the core of our educational initiatives and values. We actively integrate sustainability into our academic programs, driving awareness and action toward a more sustainable future. Explore our key initiatives:
SDG Study Scheme: Our Office of University General Education proudly offers the SDG Study Scheme, empowering students to engage with the SDGs through their coursework. This scheme encourages active participation in addressing global challenges.
Sustainable Development Projects: TSUULL's unwavering commitment to sustainability is exemplified through projects funded by the Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund. These projects are dedicated to tackling pressing sustainability issues and nurturing innovative solutions.

Climate Change Education: TSUULL takes a proactive stance on climate change education. Our institution offers comprehensive education programs and engaging campaigns focused on climate change and related issues.  Club Museum of Climate Change hosts interactive exhibitions, while initiatives like "Mobilizing Community Climate Action" involve secondary school students in hands-on climate change education.
At TSUULL, we are dedicated to fostering a sustainable future through education, awareness, and action. Join us in our mission to make a meaningful impact on the world's most pressing challenges. Together, we can create a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

Ms. Gulnoza Mamarasulova, representing the 'Association of Central Asia in Uzbekistan,'  underscores the paramount importance of forging robust partnerships and engaging academic communities in SDG implementation. She recognizes the pivotal role of youth in devising solutions, shaping policies, and driving sustainable change. Ms. Gulnoza Mamarasulova stresses that the success of SDGs hinges on partnerships and active engagement across all sectors.

The program was formally inaugurated on December 7, 2022, with Prof. Shuhrat Sirojiddinov, Rector of TSUULL, and Prof. Nozliya Normurodova, Vice Rector for Innovations of TSUULL, presiding over the launch.
Prof. Shuhrat Sirojiddinov, Rector of TSUULL, underscores the pivotal role that universities play in advancing an inclusive culture that celebrates diversity, especially when addressing interconnected global challenges. He emphasizes the importance of creating platforms for diverse voices and perspectives to be heard, thereby fostering innovative learning for all.

In the academic year 2022-23, all program activities will be conducted online. The annual theme, "Shaping the Future of Health & Wellbeing," will comprehensively explore various dimensions of wellbeing, encompassing social, cultural, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, mental, physical, and economic aspects. Drawing insights from diverse disciplines and practices, the program aims to instill a robust sense of global citizenship, thus contributing to the resilience of global communities.

Key Program Highlights
Orientation programs, interactive lectures, and training sessions conducted by member universities of TSUULL, NGO agencies, and field experts.
A self-paced "Public Talks" series aimed at establishing a common understanding and approach to supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Collaborative projects involving students from 15 universities across Central Asia.
A mentorship program, facilitated by academics and design thinking experts, guiding student teams in developing social innovation prototypes to address pressing global challenges.
A pitching competition to showcase students' work, evaluated by a panel of TSUULL experts.

The prestigious winning prize includes a week-long visit to Samarkand and Bukhara, featuring training at TSUULL's Innovation Hub, field trips to spin-off companies and startups, and an exclusive opportunity to participate in a key United Nations event in Tashkent.
For further details, please visit TSUULL's official website and events page.
Should you require further enhancements or additional information, please do not hesitate to let us know.