The Department of Uzbek Language and Literature was established in 2023. The Department of Uzbek Language and Literature studies the scientific and theoretical problems of Uzbek linguistics and literature, in particular, the history of literature, theoretical issues of the history of the Uzbek language, the current literary process, and the issue of researching modern directions of linguistics specialized in learning. In the field of literary studies and linguistics, senior scientists such as Hamidjon Homidiy, Qozoqboy Yoʻldoshev, Nusratullo Jumaxoʻja, Nishonboy Xusanov, and Hoshimjon Ahmedov are conducting scientific and pedagogical activities in the department. Head of the department: doctor of pedagogy, professor Qozoqboy Yoʻldoshev Boybekovich.
The structure of the department: a total of 23 professor’s work in the main staff. Among them: 6 doctors of science, 8 doctors of philosophy (PhD) in philology, 2 senior teachers.
Scientific potential of the department: 61%
Priorities of the department:
The priorities of the department are defined as “Modern approaches to the science of philology”. The department specializes in the study of problems in the field of linguistics and literary studies, in particular, modern linguistics, current literary process, literary criticism, classical poetics, and development laws of the historical-literary process.
1. To give lessons to students on the subject related to the department at the level of current requirements.
2. Conducting systematic research on current issues of Uzbek linguistics.
3. Consistently continue scientific research on Uzbek classical literature.
4. Improving the laws of the approach to literary heritage based on the combination of classical tradition and modern achievements, introducing theoretical and experimental results into scientific circulation.
5. Regular scientific research on the current problems of modern Uzbek literature.
6. To conduct systematic scientific research on the determination of the laws related to the current literary process.
Courses and specializations taught by the department:
For bachelor degree courses:
60111400 – Uzbek language and literature
For Master’s degree:
70111401 – Uzbek language and literature
Basic doctoral studies:
10.00.02 - Uzbek literature
10.00.07 – Literary Theory
Subjects taught at the department:
1. Basics of literary studies (1st year, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
2. Fundamentals of Linguistics (1st, 2nd, 3rd year, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
3. Theory of linguistics (4th course, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
4. Current Uzbek literary language (1st, 2nd, 3rd year, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
5. Doing business in the state language (1, 2, 3 course, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
6. Uzbek literature (1st year, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
7. Education of Uzbek literature (2, 3 course 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
8. Sociolinguistics (2nd year, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
9. Theory of literary studies (4th course, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)
10. History of the Uzbek language (3rd year, 60111400 - Uzbek language and literature)