TSUULL Equal opportunity policy

Introductory Provisions

The University is committed to equal opportunity in academic pursuit and employment, and hence to the elimination of any form of discrimination harassment by members of the University community. This policy provides an overarching framework for University admissions policies and procedures and applies to the admission of all categories of students to accredited programmes of under- and postgraduate study at TSUULL.

The University is committed to fair, transparent and consistent admissions practices. This policy is underpinned by TSUULL’s strategies, codes of practice and policies on Data Protection, Disability, Equality & Diversity and Widening Participation. The University is committed to equality in education. Students are selected on the basis of their individual merits, abilities and aptitudes. We aim to increase the diversity of its student population: we believe that diversity is educationally as well as socially desirable in a civilised society, enriching the educational experience for all. We therefore seek to attract a wide range of applicants from different social, cultural and educational backgrounds who can demonstrate the academic ability and the skills required to succeed in their chosen studies. We actively encourage applications from students from all groups who are currently under-represented in higher education.

The University aims to offer clear advice and guidance to prospective applicants to enable them to make informed choices and to apply to programmes appropriate to their interests, academic qualifications and potential. Admission is subject to the availability of places. Where there are restrictions on the number of places the University can make available, competition for places is often extremely high. This policy and associated procedures comply with relevant legislation and meet the
expectations and practices of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Higher Education.

To see more of our policies, follow this link

The University’s published terms and conditions apply to all applications for undergraduate and postgraduate study. The University will draw these to the attention of anyone who receives an offer of a place to study at the University. The terms and conditions are fair and transparent, and form a contract between the University and each student when an offer is accepted. Terms and conditions are reconfirmed at registration each year.

  • •  The Student Recruitment and Fees Strategy Group is responsible, on behalf of the University, for approving admissions practices and policies.
  • •  The University’s Student Recruitment & Admissions Department is responsible for ensuring that policies and procedures regarding student recruitment and admissions are operated fairly and consistently, and in line with the University’s strategic aims and objectives and relevant legislation.
  • •  The University’s school is responsible for setting entry requirements for its programmes. Admissions decisions are made by admissions staff within Schools and Colleges. Heads of School and College are responsible for ensuring that these staff are appropriately qualified and experienced and that the College or School maintains clear and transparent admissions criteria and procedures.
  • •  Admissions staff are provided with regular training on admissions issues and are expected to follow University admissions policies, procedures and guidance.

For all programmes, the selection process will take into account:

1. Achieved and pending academic qualifications
2. The academic context in which qualifications have been achieved
3. An applicant’s stated interest, commitment and motivation for study
4. Where relevant, work or other non-academic experience
5. Academic and/or professional references
6. Where required, an applicant’s performance at interview
7. Where required, an applicant’s portfolio or sample of written work
8. Where required, an applicant’s research proposal
9. An applicant’s English language proficiency.
10. Each application will be considered on an individual basis by appropriately trained and qualified staff working to agreed selection criteria.
11. Admissions decisions will be made as quickly as possible. However, due to the large volume of applications, and in order to operate a fair admissions process, in some cases it may take longer for decisions to be reached.
12. For admission to some postgraduate programmes, a full or partial ‘gathered field’ will operate, whereby some or all applications from suitably-qualified candidates will be held until the application deadline before decisions are made. Gathered field deadlines are published in the online Degree Finder where relevant. The University aims to keep such delays to a minimum.
13. Admissions decisions will be communicated to applicants in an appropriate and timely manner. Any conditions attached to an offer of a place will be clear and specific.
14. In some cases where the University is unable to make an offer for an applicant’s programme choice, an offer for an alternative programme may be made.

    • •  The TSUULL will not admit applicants on the strength of information considered to be either fraudulent or plagiarised. Where an applicant is suspected of having provided a fraudulent or plagiarised application the application will be assessed in the first instance on the basis of standard academic and non-academic selection criteria. If it is recommended that an offer be made, an investigation of the fraud or plagiarism will be carried-out before the final decision is made.
    • •  The University reserves the right to reject or cancel an application under these circumstances. The University may terminate a student’s registration if they are found at a later stage to have submitted a fraudulent or plagiarised application to the University.

    • 1. Applications from disabled students will be assessed against the University’s entry requirements on the same basis as any other application, and will be subject to the same selection process. Any support needs or adjustments which are required will be considered separately, after the admissions decision has been taken.
    • 2. If there are overriding health and safety concerns or barriers relating to fitness to practice requirements, the applicant will be involved in discussions to explore options and, if necessary, to find a suitable alternative programme.
    • 3. The Policy and Procedure for Applicants with Declared Disabilities establishes the process by which applications from individuals with declared disabilities are handled by the University.

    • •    Creating gender impacting reports to supervise the fulfillment of the principles established on the regulations regarding the balanced presence and participation.
    • •    Modifying the intern regulations necessary to achieve in every field a balanced presence of women and men in juries, commissions, committees, courts or any other body of selection or assessment.
    • •    Making a study on the profile and paths of the people on important positions at TSUULL to detect the obstacles and barriers that prevent the incorporation of women to leading or representation bodies.
    • •    Making training actions directed to women that allow recognizing and valuing female leadership and developing capacities to leader the organizations.
    • •    Making mentoring activities or in any other type to boost participation of women in different governing, managing, directing and representation bodies.
    • •    Boosting the balanced presence of women and men at the workforce representation bodies at TSUULL.
    • •    Designating people that must represent TSUULL on bar bodies, technician’s committees, national or international consulting committees in such a way that in a whole respect the principle of balanced presence of women and men.
    • •    Promoting proposals to boost the acknowledgement of women at the concessions of honorary mentions, and to teach magisterial lectures on institutional events, in order to contribute progressively to neutralize the important existing unbalance.
    • •    Designing assessing mechanisms based on the principle of equality regarding the public hiring and the relationships with other entities and assessing its fulfillment.
    • •    Consolidating the participation and collaboration of TSUULL with the surrounding equality networks, and also with the units and equality programs of the different national and international universities.
    • •    Collaborating with programs or networks of companies that fight to achieve gender equality.
    • •    Promoting on the future students’ academic choices non-gender-stereotyped, organizing meetings or visits to secondary education centers.

    • •    The University is committed to ensuring that any interaction with an applicant is conducted in a professional, courteous and respectful manner and it expects that any communication from an applicant is conducted in the same way.
    • •    Applicants should note that the University will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour or language towards its employees or members of the wider University community during the admissions process. Hostile, aggressive or otherwise inappropriate behaviour or language, whether expressed verbally or in writing, and excessive levels of contact, will be viewed seriously and may adversely affect the consideration of an application, appeal or complaint.
    • •    The University will normally warn an applicant that their behaviour or language is inappropriate and that action is being considered, but where the behaviour or language is particularly inappropriate no warning need be given before action is taken. Such action may include the withdrawal of an offer or the rejection of an application. Conduct which constitutes a criminal offence will be referred to the relevant authorities.

    1.  The definitions of the following forms of discrimination in the relevant legislation apply at this University: 
    2.  Gender discrimination;
    3.  Sexual Harassment;
    4.  Disability discrimination and harassment;
    5.  Marital status discrimination;
    6.  Family status discrimination;
    7.  Pregnancy discrimination;
    8.  Racial Discrimination and harassment


    Monitoring and Review

    This policy will be reviewed annually by the Academic Affairs department and revised in light of changes in legislation and University regulations and strategic objectives.

    Initially Approved Effective: 04.08.2022
    Reviewed, Amended, Approved, and Effective: 12.10.2024