
Mon, 11/27/2023 - 16:21

TSUULL Career Path Navigator: A Workshop for Students, 23 November

On 23 November 2023, Dildora Tolipova, TSUULL Department of Foreign Languages Lecturer conducted a seminar on ‘Career Navigator’ guidance for 1st-2nd year Bachelor Students of the Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice. The workshop was conducted by the mentor Umida Abdurakhmonova.

During the workshop, actual issues of creating a career strategy for directing students to the profession and successfully operating in the chosen direction were covered. Several exercises and tests were conducted to determine the talent, ability and potential of the students. Also, the students identified their successful lines of activity with the help of which it was said that they would have more chances to convince the employer and succeed in the profession. As a result, they set goals for their future life and learned to consciously build a career path.

Credit: TSUULL Press Centre